From an electronic point of view, mobile phone jammers are very basic devices. The simplest is only an on/off switch and an indicator light to indicate that it is turned on. For more complex devices, different frequency switches can be activated.
The current theater chain institutions are paying attention to prevent the use of mobile phones during movie playback. In this case, whether gsm jammer can become an important device to solve this problem.
In the next ten years, it is easy to see that GSM/CDMA signal killer jammers have been installed in most theaters, concert halls, sporting events and religious sites. Under the constant concern of public behavior, it is inevitable to use interference devices.
In any case, the use of mobile phones in these places will always have adverse effects. Therefore, in order to avoid abuse of mobile phones, and to remind them politely, GSM interference equipment is essential. This is why analysts say that the demand for jamming equipment will double in 2017 from a year ago.