During the annual college entrance examination, there will be network problems such as dropped calls on mobile phones and slow Internet access. The reason is that the school uses the cell phone jammer. Just like any radio, the phone's signal is disturbed. If we think of the phone as a handheld two-way radio, the radio can be disturbed, and the phone is no exception.
How does the phone connect to the signal? In a certain frequency range, the mobile phone and the base station are connected by radio waves, and the sound and data are transmitted in a certain band and modulation mode. The cell phone interceptor scans from the low-end frequency of the forward channel to the high end at a certain speed during operation.
The scanning speed can form garbled interference in the message received by the mobile phone, and the mobile phone cannot detect the normal data sent from the base station, so that the mobile phone cannot be connected with the base station. Mobile phones are characterized by search networks, no signals, and invalid labor systems. Eventually, the mobile phone has no signal and cannot receive text messages or calls. Cell signal jammers can be bought directly on the jammer-mart to ensure quality and cheaper.