It is reported that high-power GSM jammer can be said to be special jammers developed for applications in special places such as prisons, detention centers, labor camps, and military powerhouses. It not only has a large shielding range, but also has a good shielding effect. The important thing is that its interference signal is evenly distributed in the shielding area to ensure the required shielding effect, which is not achieved by ordinary mobile phone signal jammers. And the reliability is extremely high in use, and it can still work stably in the face of severe punishment and interference from the outside world, and exert the shielding effectiveness. As a special shielding device for special places such as prisons, this product can act on seven frequency bands such as GSM and CDMA, and can completely cover all frequency bands of mobile phones, leaving the mobile phone in a state of no signal. Except for the communication signal sent by the base station, it will not interfere with other signals sent by the base station, so it will not affect the operation and work of other functions of the electronic device.
jammer-mart is a professional jammer shop, where a large number of jammers are sold at conscientious prices.