Is it possible to use two jammers in the same building?

Hi guys! Please tell me about this thing: is it possible to use two blockers in a building if so how will they work together? Will they interfere badly?

Asked at 11:11 am on August 24

Reubeng Ckalido



I guess if you ask such a question then you know the basics so I wouldn't tell you what you already know. If you want to use two signal jammers in the same building, there are many things to consider.

First of all, you need to determine if the jamming radius of your jammers is going to cross. If so, they must work with different frequency bands to avoid mutual interference effects. If the jamming radius is not crossed between jammers, you can use two jammers of the same type. And if you are using two different frequency-blocked signal jammer, you can forget to worry about them interrupting each other in their work.

So make your choice wisely, and remember that there are jammers, such as the Adjustable Multi-Frequency Signal Jammer, that can serve as office signal blockers to cover the entire building.

If you have any additional questions on this topic or any of the types of jammer, please don't hesitate to ask them!

Answered at 15:30 am on August 25



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