5G full-band wifi jammer has become a standard test device in the examination hall. Not only the Chinese exams but also the exams, civil service exams, and various qualifications need the best wifi signal jammer devices to prevent candidates from contacting the outside world through wireless signals. In the examination room where the jammer is used, all kinds of cell phone signals (2345G), wireless intercom signals, Bluetooth WiFi signals, etc. will be interfered with.
Why would a full-band wifi jammer interfere with your signal?
For the time being, we can compare cell phones to radios. Radios often have confusing and inaudible channels, i.e. the signal is interfered with. Since radios can be jammed, cell phones can also be jammed naturally, as well as through certain devices.
When we use a cell phone, we need access to our communications carrier's base station. Different standards of cell phones use different frequencies so that everyone can live in peace and not interfere with each other.
The basic principle of a full-band wifi jammer is to transmit the same RF signal as a cell phone. Because the frequency is the same, the phone can not distinguish which signal is a conventional base station signal, so as to achieve "interference". As long as there is a machine with the same frequency as the phone when the base station tries to connect to the phone, it will make a lot of "noise" and you will find that the phone's signal is not recognized.

According to the full-band jamming device emitting the same frequency band custom a spherical shielding space, in the specified range automatically form a shielding magnetic field, so that the space within the cell phone lost signal. When the 5G full-band wifi blocker is in working condition, it can disable the function of the phone to send and receive signals within the specified range and cannot dial out or dial in, thus achieving the purpose of forcibly disabling it.
Many people do not know the difference between Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and mobile data, they are all wireless communication technology. In fact, the main difference between the two is the frequency band. In mobile communication technology, 2G mainly works in the 900-1700MHz band, 3G works in the 1900-2100MHz band, 4G works in the 2300-2500MHz band, and 5G works in the 3400-3600MHz band. Bluetooth and WiFi work at 2.4GHz.
In this way, the 5G full-band wifi jammer can accurately identify the communication band and develop a jammer for the same band to achieve the purpose of completely blocking the wireless signal.