Most GSM signal jammers on the market can interfere with mobile phone communication and wireless wifi signals, which are relatively small in radiation and can be ignored. They can be widely used. GSM jammers are mainly used in places where mobile phones are prohibited, such as school test sites, government military bases, and prisons.
Today in the 21st century, the rapid development of science and technology has exceeded our imagination, and many high-tech cheating technologies have emerged in student exams.In large-scale university entrance examinations, qualification examinations and civil servant recruitment, a variety of fancy communication tools such as erasers, watches, etc appeared., test fraud has been rising, so many test sites have to use phone gsm blockers, Guarantee the fairness and fairness of the examination room.
Fairness is the most basic principle of the test: the mobile phone signal jammer or other technical means should be used in the test to make all the mobile phones in the test room unable to communicate or the mobile phone has no network status. Today, every classroom is basically equipped with a powerful blocker for gsm, which guarantee the fairness of the exam and must use tools that interfere with the device.

The invention of mobile phones has brought people closer together. People use mobile phones to connect with each other and enhance their feelings. Even if they are thousands of miles apart, mobile phones can let us face-to-face video communication, and bring people's lives great convenience, but at the same time lead to many disadvantages, this is one of the reasons for the development of CDMA/2G jammer on the market. At present, the use of GSM jammers has been widely used in testing, and the test site is the most used place in the market for jammers.