After the Philadelphia jamming incident, I always worried that a thief would bring jammers into my house. Is this possible?
Jammer-MartOctober 2020
Although it has recently been suspected that jammers exist outside of Philadelphia, it is extremely unlikely that criminals will use wifi jammer to enter your home. Thefts are rarely premeditated or carefully planned. On the contrary, they are usually random and opportunistic crimes.
Several home security systems are also equipped with anti-interference features built into the security panel. When the signal noise exceeds a threshold (indicating that interference may occur), the panel will detect the signal and trigger an alarm to warn the homeowner or notify the monitoring company. For home wireless security systems that are also set to report via data or telephone lines, once a cellular interference signal is detected, the signal can be sent to a monitoring station. Simplisafe has an algorithm that can distinguish RF interference from targeted interference attacks.
Jammer-Mart October 2020
Although it has recently been suspected that jammers exist outside of Philadelphia, it is extremely unlikely that criminals will use wifi jammer to enter your home. Thefts are rarely premeditated or carefully planned. On the contrary, they are usually random and opportunistic crimes.
Several home security systems are also equipped with anti-interference features built into the security panel. When the signal noise exceeds a threshold (indicating that interference may occur), the panel will detect the signal and trigger an alarm to warn the homeowner or notify the monitoring company. For home wireless security systems that are also set to report via data or telephone lines, once a cellular interference signal is detected, the signal can be sent to a monitoring station. Simplisafe has an algorithm that can distinguish RF interference from targeted interference attacks.