Exams are a way of testing the level of knowledge. Passing the test can not only check the students' learning ability but also understand the students' other skills. In order to ensure the fairness of the test results, the test room must have strict disciplinary measures and especially install a wifi jammer. Legal and criminal responsibility, in order to safeguard the interests of the vast majority of candidates, the necessary restrictions on the cheating behavior of a few must be taken. The examination management department has adopted the practice of installing wifi signal jammers. During the examination, the examination room and the surrounding environment are shielded and covered in all directions, and the mobile phone signal is blocked. Some parents of candidates are uneasy about this, worrying that it will affect their children's normal performance in the college entrance examination. In fact, the wifi blocker will not cause physical harm to candidates and test staff, nor will it affect the normal answering of candidates. When installing a wireless wifi signal jammer in the examination room, since there is a strong signal magnetic field around the host and the antenna within a certain distance, the installation position of each component is very important.
If the position is incorrect, it may cause wifi jammer device. The transmitted signal of the device is interfered and the shielding effect is affected.
The wireless wifi signal jammer supports network control. When it needs to be used in one classroom or multiple classrooms, it is only necessary to control this or multiple wifi frequency jammers through network transmission. It can be placed in different classrooms during installation. Control all wireless signal shielding channels to open or specify to open a wireless wifi bluetooth jammer. If you need to close the wifi signal blocker, you only need to send the closing command through the network.