Are you angry if you frequently receive harassment from the phone ?but you have to bear it, if you don't answer the call, then the call will be repeated one after another, unless you force the shutdown, but once the phone is turned off, during this time friends or You will not receive the phone information from your parents. Even if there is a major loss due to some emergency calls, it will be even more painful.
If you have a gsm signal jammer now, you will be able to block this harassing call. The gsm siganl jammer can form a protection ring with a radius of 5-40 meters. The mobile phone in the protection ring will not receive any signal, and others will not be able to access the mobile phone signal in the range through the network. Thus forcibly disabling the phone, once the jammer switch is turned off, or the phone is moved away from the protected area, the phone will return to normal.

Many suppliers and sellers search for our mobile phone information and personal information through various illegal and unreasonable ways, so as to achieve their own sales and profitability purposes. Even some hackers steal personal information from around the world every day. Even if you turn off your computer and leave the office, hackers can use their illegal technology to steal your information, even some trade secrets without logging in. These sensitive data may even cause huge damage to your company. property loss.
Therefore, it is especially important to protect our information, especially sensitive information that needs to be kept confidential.
The mobile phone is connected to the base station by radio waves in a given frequency range, and then performs data transmission and sound transmission at a given transmission rate and modulation mode. The mobile phone signal protection device performs electromagnetic interference through the wireless signal used by the mobile phone communication, and the mobile phone cannot connect to the network, so that the mobile phone cannot be received.
We are all using 4G phones today, but it is too whimsical to completely block the phone by simply blocking the 4G signal. We know that mobile phones will automatically connect to 3G GSM signals when the signal is not good. They can also enter the network by connecting WiFi. At the same time, the mobile phones are equipped with GPS technology, and the frequency bands used by each signal are different. So we have to completely block the phone call, we must use gsm signal jammer that can shield multiple bands.
Therefore, when we choose the gsm interference device, we must pay attention to whether the signal it shields meets our own needs, in case some information errors can not meet our own requirements.